The Right Way to Run to Avoid Injury

Running is the oldest sport and can be considered as the most popular. Whatever the reason for a person to exercise run generally based on the desire to refresh the body while becoming healthier. Although running is in fact easy to do, there are a number of things that need to be known about how to run properly. Running is a regular step by lifting both legs quickly. In essence, both legs are lifted in the air at the same time. While in walking, one foot still stomping down. Running at a mild level is clearly beneficial for the body, but research suggests that if done intensively, it can provide more good for health. From the results of this research, it was shown that an increase in levels of good fats (HDL cholesterol) was greater in long distance runners up to 80 km per week. In addition there are still other benefits, such as decreased body fat, reduced risk of coronary heart disease, and stabilizing blood pressure when compared with results obtained by runners with a distance of less than 16 km per week. When done correctly and routinely, this exercise is proven to make the body fitter by increasing the activity of enzymes and hormones which in turn stimulates the muscles and heart to work more efficiently. However, so far, there have been no studies that prove that a runner experiences greater weight loss when compared to other sports practitioners.

What to Look For Before Running?

If you have never run regularly, it is not difficult to start running habits. One thing to remember is to try to increase the intensity of the run slowly and follow the procedures, including the correct way to run. Some things to consider before running:
  • Choose the right running shoes. The runner's focus is usually on shoes that stabilize the foot so it doesn't spin inward or outward. The current trend is to wear minimalist style shoes that mimic running barefoot.
  • Choose clothes that are comfortable for running. After running, body temperature and heart rate increase. Choose clothes that allow air to hit the body when running indoors, like wearing shorts or a shirt. Wear clothes that are made from easily absorb sweat without becoming damp and uncomfortable when sweating.
  • Start by walking before running. Start by walking for a few minutes, then add a few minutes to run slowly.
On days when you are not running, try doing light exercise to form lower strength and core at home to avoid injury. However, if you are not fit or have a risk of heart disease, talk to your doctor before starting a running exercise routine.

The Right Way to Run to Avoid Injury

Proper running techniques can help reduce the risk of injury. This will also make running less tiring and more enjoyable. Some of the recommended positions when running are:
  • Position the head straight facing forward. Avoid looking down at the feet because looking down will cause tension in the neck and shoulders. Keep your jaw and neck relaxed.
  • Straighten the chest. Ideal running posture is to straighten up without causing tension in the chest and abdomen. This way, you will breathe more optimally because your body is in the optimal biomechanical position to move forward.
  • The position of the hips must be stable and facing forward. Maintaining the hip position like this can prevent injury to the back and waist.
  • Long-distance runners lift their knees forward to high when running, but for long-distance runners it is recommended to keep their knees down because it takes a lot of energy to lift the knees when running slowly. However, faster ankle motion will also increase your speed. Feel the calf and ankle muscles work while pushing each step.
  • Using the center of the foot is the best way to step on. Avoid relying on the heel or the front of the foot. In addition, a good run should be light and noiseless. Light steps are more efficient and do not cause tension in the body. Whatever your weight, feet do not need to tread too hard.
  • Breathe deeply and regularly. Raise your chest when running so you can breathe deeper. That way, can increase the amount of air inhaled. Focus on the chest, neck and shoulders. Tight muscles will block breathing, so try to maintain a relaxed posture while running.
In addition to these movements, keep in mind that the recommended frequency of exercise is 3-5 days per week with a duration of 20-60 minutes. With the right way to run and the right rules, then the health benefits of running can be fully achieved. Enjoy exercising!


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