Benefits of Olives and How to Process them

Olives have long been known to have a myriad of benefits that are good for health. In many countries, this fruit is generally used when it has been processed into oil, for example for cooking, caring for the skin, to nourish the hair. Actually, the benefits of olives can not only be obtained from the oil. Various processed foods that use olives also provide many health benefits, such as improving heart health, preventing the risk of cancer, supporting bone density, and controlling bad cholesterol.

Various Benefits of Olives for Health

In 100 grams of olives contained about 120 calories and 10 grams of fat. Although high in fat, some of the fat in olives is a single unsaturated fatty acid that is good for health. In addition, olives are also enriched with other important nutrients, such as vitamin E, sodium, calcium and iron. Various nutrients owned by olives can provide health benefits for the body, such as:

1. Healthy skin

Vitamin E in olives is believed to improve skin health, endurance, and eyes. Not only that, vitamin E is also believed to prevent various dangerous diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and even Alzheimer's disease.

2. Maintain hydration or the adequacy of body fluids

Olives also contain sodium which can help the body stay hydrated. In addition, sodium can also maintain normal blood pressure. Even so, consuming too much sodium can actually cause high blood pressure.

3. Strengthen bones

Olives also contain calcium which is quite high, so it is natural that eating olives is believed to help strengthen and maintain bone density.

4. Helps the formation of red blood cells

The content of iron in olives is believed to help the body in forming hemoglobin, boost the immune system, muscle strength, and concentration power.

5. Prevent cancer

Olive is a fruit that has a high content of monounsaturated fat, which is equal to 11-15%. The most abundant monounsaturated fatty acids in olives are oleic acid. This substance can reduce swelling, reduce the risk of heart disease, and fight cancer.

Delicious Recipes for Olives

Salad is one dish that can use olives as well as olive oil, with the addition of various vegetables and fruit. Here's how to make it:


  • 3 black olives (or to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons (tbsp) raisins
  • 2 red tomatoes
  • Watercress
  • 1 sausage (boiled)
  • 1 honey pineapple
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil for sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (if you don't want it to be too sour)

How to make

  1. Combine olive oil, lemon juice and honey. Then shake until all the ingredients combine into a salad dressing.
  2. Cut all salad ingredients to taste. After that, mix all the salad ingredients that have been cut into 1 container, then pour the previously made sauce over the salad.
Although small and slightly bitter, olives have a variety of benefits. You can use it in the form of olive oil or process olives into delicious dishes. For clarity, consult a nutritionist to make sure you get the benefits of olives according to your body's needs.


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